Two conservative-media journalists did some Twitter flirting, from the West Wing; David Shuster proved incapable of linking to others and the Huffington Post's CEO transition was deemed odd. The Twitterati confused one another.

The virtual mouth of MSNBC's David Shuster congratulated Rachel Sklar, but his short url told a different story, linking to a video of... David Shuster.

The Washington Times' Christina Bellatoni took a moment out of the day to shoot and upload a candid picture of fellow conservative-media White House reporter Major Garrett, of Fox News. Jake Tapper was, naturally, thrilled.

Micki Maynard gave fellow New York Times reporter Brian Stelter some advice on dodging tornadoes.

Dan Frommer of Silicon Alley Insider finds Robert Scoble a bit hyperbolic.

Blogger/entrepreneur Loic Le Meur wished Eric Hippeau success on his freaky takeover of the Huffington Post.

Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets - or send us more Twitter usernames.