
Dispatches From the GFail Apocalypse

Ryan Tate · 09/01/09 06:38PM

Cities burned; pundits pointed fingers and AOL stood proud for definitely the last time. The Twitterati acted out their primal terror.

Apple shareholders threaten Henry Blodget

Jackson West · 06/20/08 04:20PM

After an interview with employee Dan Frommer, Silicon Alley Insider publisher Henry Blodget received a "threat" from an Apple shareholder who didn't like the pair's skepticism about the market for iPhone applications and the stock's performance. But rather than go after Blodget for shorting AAPL, why not mention that the analysis comes from a man who had to settle a fraud suit and was kicked out of the financial business? That seems easier. [Silicon Alley Insider]

Calacanis's latest blog blather: Silicon Alley Insider raised $12 million

Nicholas Carlson · 03/20/08 04:20PM

At his Dim Sum 2.0 dinner in New York last night, Mahalo CEO Jason Calacanis congratulated Silicon Alley Insider blogger Dan Frommer on his boss's fundraising abilities. Calacanis said he'd heard Blodget raised $12 million for the New York tech blog. Frommer asked Calacanis if he meant $3 million to $5 million, as TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington reported yesterday. No, Calacanis said, he'd heard $12 million from one of the investors.

Blogger realizes "Attack of the Show" not radio program

Owen Thomas · 02/13/08 11:40AM

Dan Frommer, a reporter for Silicon Alley Insider, makes his father proud with a turn as a talking head on G4 TV. New to our caption contests? The rules are simple: The best caption you submit in the comments becomes the new headline. Commenter kamra is the current winner. Can you top "Bloggers realizes "Attack of the Show' not radio program"? Photo by Michael Frommer, Dan's dad)

Party at the New York City Googleplex!

Owen Thomas · 10/03/07 04:51PM

We're getting live reports on who's making it past the velvet rope at Google's New York party. The bash, held in Google's West Chelsea offices at 76 Ninth Avenue, has already kicked up a fuss. Google's controlling-but-not-that-bright PR people have tried to limit the guest list to consumer and fashion reporters, figuring they'd be more likely to critique the buffet and less likely to ask pesky questions about the search engine's business practices. So far, they've had mixed results. Here's who we've heard has showed up so far — and who's been barred at the door.

Absurd assumptions about the iPhone

Tim Faulkner · 09/12/07 01:46PM

Dan Frommer of the Silicon Alley Insider sees the world as flat and static — at least when it comes to Apple's iPhone. Two days ago, he estimated that the iPhone wasn't meeting Apple's expectations based on the absurd assumption of flat sales — despite the obvious fact that sales will not be consistent over the time period analyzed. Between now and the end of 2008, Apple will experience two holiday shopping seasons when they have historically experienced huge surges in sales. Apple will also enter at least two new markets, Europe and Asia. And while a 3G version of the iPhone is unlikely to arrive in the US before the holidays, an upgrade of some kind is certain in the next 15 months... as are additional price cuts. All of which will produce sales increases and likely fuel further upward momentum to Apple's pricey phone. Not content with poor analysis of unit sales, Frommer is now extending his simplistic assumptions to iPhone profits.

Google kicks out the nerd media

Megan McCarthy · 09/05/07 02:15PM

Google has summarily disinvited Dan Frommer, editor at New York-based tech blog Silicon Alley Insider, from its October 3 press soiree. The excuse? A Google spokesperson told him that "this event is very much consumer-focused and based on your coverage, the content does not seem aligned with your topic area." As if Google itself fits in better with the content produced by invited guests W and Women's Wear Daily? Right. Sounds like an insecure college freshman, trying to associate with the sorority girls and cut ties from longtime nerd friends, lest she seem uncool by association.