Will Your Children Know the Magic of Television?
In your variegated Wednesday media column: Television's death foretold, the magazine industry's resurgence predicted, the Boston Globe's hope springs eternal, and something for tattoo enthusiasts to read.

Henry Blodget, who's a pretty smart dude, says the TV industry is headed down the same path as newspapers, and there is "no way" to save its business model, which will inevitably crumble in the face of the internet's superiority. Crikey. What about moving Nightline to the 10 p.m. slot? Would that do it?

Things in the magazine industry may be getting slightly less apocalyptic! A new five-year forecast predicts that ad revenue will start rising again by 2013. Four-More-Years! Yes.

A magazine called Sang Bleu is billed as "possibly the most highbrow publication ever devoted to tattooing." Among the editor's own tattoos: "a tribute to Georgia O'Keeffe that I tattooed myself on top of my left ankle." Yep, he qualifies.

Boston Globe "bargaining" update: union officials put off a meeting with the National Labor Relations Board because they're still bargaining with NYT Co. officials about the 23% pay cut. What's taking so long? "There's only so many ways you can get to $10 million without hurting people," a union official says. Hey, if there is one way to do so, that would be a win.