Aw, they think they're people. Noted gay Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Plot Contrivance) and his partner, actor David Burtka, are in the hunt for a surrogate mommy. They're using the same agency as Sarah Jessica Parker!

Growing Generations is a leading surrogacy firm that unites happy new families "regardless of marital status or sexual orientation." Which, considering NPH and his lover live in California, is a good thing.

Update: Ha, oops, no they're not.

So congrats to them. In other funny (not in a ha ha way) gay news from the Left Coast, Adam Lambert—the jingle-jangle, sparkle-twangle American Idol runner up who also happens to be gay—was named one of People magazine's hottest bachelors, which he thinks is silly. We think it's silly too because, in a state where it's now constitutionally illegal for gay men and women to get married, how could an openly gay fellow ever not be a bachelor? Lambert'll be a hottest bachelor til he gets old and withers and dies and poofs into glitter and smoke and all that's left is a few gold records and a solid silver piano. And that just doesn't seem fair, does it?


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