Sure, people have made books out of tweet collections and websites about emails and fatty foods, but has anyone parlayed a lone Facebook update into old-media glory? This might actually happen, insanely enough.

Agents from Beverly Hills' United Talent Agency and literary shop Fletcher & Co. are shopping a book and film deal built around a Facebook update from Lisa Hamilton Daly (pictured), a book exec at Dreamworks. Here it is verbatim, as published in an update last week:

"Lisa Hamilton Daly's Pomeranian raided Chinese takeout bag overnight, opened and ate a fortune cookie. Her fortune: You have strong spiritual powers, and you should develop them."

This could become "a tween series about Charlotte, the Pomeranian, who uses her newfound superpowers to save her owner's home after said owner loses her job," per Publisher's Weekly. Laugh all you want, but Beverly Hills Chihuahua grossed $145 million.

[Publishers Weekly]

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