Dylan Ratigan's new MSNBC show launches next week. To judge by this audio, sent by a tipster, of Ratigan berating a producer during a commercial break, his new colleagues must be thrilled to have him.

The tape dates to last summer, when Susan Krakower, a CNBC executive and co-creator with Ratigan of Fast Money, dared to speak into his earpiece during a commercial break in the newscast. Ratigan didn't like that—it seems the pair had been going through some communication problems:

I'm available all day, every day, and yet you choose not to communicate with me in any way, shape, or form. So I consider it rude and disrespectful on your part, Susan, to decide to communicate with me for the first time in months in the commercial break between the A and the B block.... You're effectively a liar. You lie to me routinely.

The New York Post reported on the exchange back in March, and indicated that Ratigan's issues with Krakower were partially responsible for his decision to jump to MSNBC—after promising himself to ABC News as a negotiating tactic to get more money—in May.

Sounds like a fun guy to work with.