Michael Jackson's Doctor Is A Bankrupting Sketchball

Bankruptcy documents of Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson's personal physician who attempted to revive Jackson at the scene of his death, have emerged. The picture painted: Murray was a financially strained doctor who had liens on child support, among other things.
Via Web Of Deception, the documents show Conrad Murray owing a state tax lien of $2,544 to Arizona, $1,578 to California, and defaulting on housing loans worth a few million dollars, including one in the tax-sheltered, foreclosure-plagued city of Las Vegas, Nevada at the Red Rock Country Club, where reporters attempting to see Dr. Murray's house were turned away by the guard gate. The associated press filed a great report on the guy who's about to be under some intense scrutiny by the LAPD and medical boards in the three states where he's licensed to practice medicine (Texas, Nevada, California). His practice was in Vegas. What to know:
- Murray was supposed to accompany Jackson on his upcoming comeback tour, per Jackson's very specific request.
- Murray was with Jackson when he passed a physical that showed no evidence of drug use.
- Murray's practice was hit with $400K in court judgments for defaulting on payments. He also owes $940 for driving with expired plates and no proof of insurance in 2000. [Don't you just have to show up to court to get those erased? Eh?]
- Murray's still dealing with two other pending cases regarding his lack of fiscal solvency.

The portrait of this guy that's about to emerge is guaranteed to be pretty interesting. How did he end up in Jackson's life? Why was Jackson so attached to him? It won't be as notable as the picture of Jackson that's surely going to start showing up in weeks to come, but as far as the end of his life went, Murray's own story is definitely going to be key to understanding Jackson's.
Michael Jackson: His Doctor [Web of Deception]
LA police want to talk to Jackson's cardiologist [AP]