Future president Mitt Romney is both a "Bainiac"—a data-obsessed business android indoctrinated into Bain and Company's cultish worldview—and a Mormon. So his foreign policy is a weird, numerological, schematic mess. Here it is in PowerPoint, his native language.

A month ago, Romney gave a big speech about foreign policy to the Heritage Foundation, laying the groundwork for his 2012 presidential run. According to Romney, there are "four nations, representing four different ways of ways of life, that are vying to lead the world before the end of this century"—America, China, Russia, and "the jihadists"—plus a dark entropic force called "North Korea." Only one has freedom: Guess which it is?

The New Republic's Barron YoungSmith was curious what Romney's view of the world might look like if he were presenting it to one of Bain's corporate clients or to his church's Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, so he asked a friend to draw up this handy graphic.

Between Romney's "four nations," Glenn Beck's "nine principles and twelve values," the church's "First Presidency and Two Counselers," "the 70," and those twelve apostles, the Mormons sure do have a thing for numbers. What's that all about?