Guest of a Guest's Rachelle Hruska's Wild Hamptons Night
Uh oh. Guest of a Guest blogger Rachelle Hruska just Twittered that she spent the end of her July 4th celebration filing a police report in the Hamptons this morning. So: what happened? The mysterious Twitter and answer, here!
We saw the following come up on our Twitter feed and almost choked on our coffee.

Is she okay? Brawl at The Talkhouse? Throwdown at The Surf Lodge? Crossbow attack on Matt Levine at Georgica? We contacted Hruska for comment, because we care about our bloggy bretheren. The answer? A Mr. Toad's Wild Ride-esque accident that could've potentially injured Hruska and her crack team of (unpaid, but fairly compensated) Guest of a Guest reporters:

Hruska, stop scaring us like that. We need our crack-like Hamptons coverage and our new media compensation beefs alive and well. Glad all involved are okay. Dramatic reenactment below: