Haha, 'The Ennuist'
In your sunny(!) Monday media column: Macy's costs the newspaper industry $600 million, Vogue is dreadfully low-class, The Daily Beast speaks very well of a book, and here's the name of new thing to write for: 'The Ennuist.' Haha.

A good example of just one of the newspaper industry's problems: Macy's has cut its newspaper ad spending in half since 2005. That's a decline of about $600 million. And even after the decline, Macy's was the second-biggest newspaper advertiser in 2008, behind only Verizon. That money is never coming back. To newspapers.

Vogue's July issue proves that it is totally catering to hobos now, because it features "a 'Steal of the Month,' and a section with all items under $500." Why not just go to a garage sale, in the slums of Detroit, then? Outrageous. [SPOOF pic via]

This Daily Beast story on the release of a $1,000 coffee-table book on the 40th anniversary of the moon landing is apparently not a paid advertorial. Despite that, it still features this paragraph:
If the price is steep, what it offers is nothing short of a family heirloom in the making. Moonfire is a gloriously imposing tome, large enough to require a degree of exertion just to flip it over. Inside, in addition to a reproduction of Mailer's book, are scans of his original manuscript, and photographs that, decades after that Space Age began to feel dated, still boggle the mind. Taschen will print only 1,969 copies of the book-each will be signed by Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin, and the final 12 will contain a chip of extremely rare moon meteorite. As a package, the project is an achievement worthy of the subject it celebrates.

Media (unpaid) job opportunity! Write for, haha, "The Ennuist,"—a blog just as easy to pronounce as "Mediaitieite" but more pretentious better.
The Ennuist aims to provide a witty, irreverent look at pop culture and current events. Sometimes pretentious, sometimes controversial, often relevant, though sometimes not. Think Gawker when it was good, The Awl with a younger focus, or Radar Online before it turned pink and sparkly.
Haha, "The Ennuist." Haha. The good Gawker would have had a helluva line for that one.