We haven't done one of these alumni reports in a while, so why not? Today we have Defamer's former founding editor scoring a new gig and a former Gawker editor imploring her freelancing colleagues to put some pants on.

First off we have Defamer founder Mark Lisanti, pictured at left in his annual Nikke Finke Halloween garb, who yesterday kicked off a new gig writing a thrice-weekly column for Movieline, the Hollywood site staffed by just about everyone who ever toiled at Defamer. Mark's inaugural piece, an always welcome evisceration of Michael Bay, can be read here.

Next we have former Gawker editor Sheila McClear doing her part to start a movement to boost the self-esteem of freelancers everywhere.

If you're freelance, unemployed, or underemployed, you probably work at home and don't always wear pants either. (Gentleman–no, those ratty "writing shorts" do not count.)

This Friday, July 10th, let's all make an effort to all put on pants. Fridays are often a time for a more relaxed dress code in offices. But not for the jobless. This Friday, take a shower in the morning, fix your hair, and put on some nice clothes even if you won't be leaving the house. Nice shorts and skirts OK too, but NO boxers or pajamas–you must wear clothes that you could actually go to a job in. (Send in pics if you want!)

Too often, un- and under-employment causes people to fall into a rut. This will give everyone an extra shot of self-esteem and aura of respectability as we continue our job hunting. It'll make us all feel better.

We should add that there's a picture of a pantless young woman who may or may not be Sheila accompanying her ASSME post on this. Just saying.

Irate Michael Bay Blasts Paramount Over Unacceptable Tie With Ice Age 3 [Movieline]
Movieline Welcomes Defamer Founder Mark Lisanti to the Family [Movieline]
July 10th is the First Annual Freelancers Put On Your Pants Day [ASSME]
pic via Movieline