Goodbye Leah Beckmann, Our Intern From Heaven
Hamilton Nolan · 11/04/15 01:54PMSarah Ellison Banned from WSJ Press Conference
Hamilton Nolan · 04/28/10 12:41PMTionna Smalls All Up on VH1
Hamilton Nolan · 04/05/10 04:35PMPut Some Damn Pants On Already!
The Cajun Boy · 07/07/09 12:55AMAna Marie Cox to Air America
Hamilton Nolan · 01/13/09 12:39PMLife Beyond Blogging
Nick Denton · 12/31/08 03:07PMShnayerson On Blogging
Hamilton Nolan · 07/25/08 02:10PM
Former Gawker writer Maggie Shnayerson, she of the actual journalistic skills and a keen eye for talent to boot, reflects on the glorious life of a professional blogger life in a new interview: "Seriously, imagine being strapped to a laptop set to explode if you step away from it. Someone is standing over your shoulder pointing a gun at your head, saying 'Okay, ready, set, go. Be brilliant. Suck less, at least.'" That "someone?" Gersh Kuntzman. (And currently: Alex Pareene). [PurePolitics,]