Chrissie Brodigan, captured the hearts and minds of New York after pulling her puking pug dog off the L train and subsequently getting arrested for it. Now, she's been fired from her job. This has gone too far!

Earlier this week Gothamist reported that Chrissie had been suspended from her job at Plum TV after the New York Post reported that she was screaming anti-Semitic slurs at the Hasidic Jewish cop who arrested her for her pugskullery. Now, they say, she's officially been canned. She says it was for "'equivocating' in the press" when she initially denied making anti-Semitic statements; Plum TV told Gothamist "Her employment was terminated for valid reasons, unrelated to the determination of whether or not she made the objectionable statements as alleged in the press."

HMMM. All we ever wanted was for this to be a stupid, stupid story about a dog, and its puke, and the L train, to while away the long hours of the summer. Yet now it has metastasized into something bigger—and uglier. Brodigan very explicitly denies that she ever made any anti-Semitic comments. The only evidence she did is one mysterious "witness" quoted by the city's shadiest tabloid. It's turned tragic. The only one who could clear this all up is the pug. And he's not talking.
[Gothamist. Pic via]