Today we hear news about the biggest computer game movie in a while, about an old cartoon that will live again, about Jami Gertz and Johnny Depp, who both survived the 80s in completely different ways, and about Kendra.

That sound you just heard? Something like a cross between an asthma inhaler wheeze and a joystick being furiously toggled? That's the sound of nerds reacting to this news: Nerd auteur Sam Raimi has signed to direct a live-action version of nerd bible World of Warcraft. Yes the fantastical computer game about mages and orcs and other horrible things will be a movie, and the Evil Dead/Spider-Man maestro will ably steer the battleship. God protect us. [Variety]

Slightly closer to the middle of the nerd spectrum is Comedy Central's bawdy cartoon show Drawn Together, which had a great first season but then crumpled under the weight of its own crudeness. Anyway, Comedy Central is reviving the property to make a direct-to-video movie release about what happens when the characters realize their show has been canceled. I hope Foxxy sings! [THR]

That grunt-laughing thing from Girls Next Door, Kendra Wilkinson, has had her E! reality show renewed for another season. The Comeback only got one season. As did Freaks & Geeks, Undeclared, and My So-Called Life. Kendra gets two. At least. [Variety]

Could Jeff Bridges finally get the Oscar he so richly deserves? His new film Crazy Heart, about an aging country singer, just got picked up by the white-hot Fox Searchlight. He's apparently quite good in the film, which costars Robert Duvall and Maggie Gyllenhaal. I mean, really, if he didn't get it for Fearless or Lebowski, can he get it for anything? [THR]

If you can't DVR Ugly Betty or stay home on Friday nights to watch it next season, don't worry! You'll have another chance to watch the show, albeit in a slightly more annoying format. The TV Guide Channel has struck up a deal to air episodes of the show two weeks after their original air date. So you can watch Betty be crazy and ugly in a tiny square while a slowly-moving list of what else is on trudges on uselessly below it. Sounds fun! [Variety]

What will Johnny Depp do next? Nobody knows! Likely, though, it'll be strange and childlike with a slight hint of menace creeping at the edges. [THR]

Old-timey actress Jami Gertz (catch her on Entourage on Sunday?) has formed a production company called Lime Orchard Productions, and they're just now getting started on developing its first properties! First up is a James Mangold-directed feature called Words, based on the same-titled book about growing up in foster care. Also on their plate is the tentatively (and fabulously) titled I Wanted Zac, But I Got Jack Black, a high school project for the Disney Channel. Everyone's grown up since Lost Boys, huh? [Variety]