Here is a delightful story about John Yoo, who wrote the famous "torture memos." A mean comedian interrupted one of his lectures at Chapman University School of Law.

After Yoo mentions the Constitution during his lecture, and asks the students if they have any questions, an Australian comedian from the show Chaser's War on Everything is seen wearing a black-hooded robe and standing on top of his desk with his arms outstretched, recalling one of the most iconic images of U.S. torture captured in the now-infamous Abu Ghraib photos.

The comedian says, "Actually, professor, I've got one question. Uhm, how long can I be required to stand here 'til it counts as torture?"

Yoo cuts his lecture short and replies, "Unfortunately, I'm going to have to end class," as he packs up his lecture notes.

As Yoo apologizes to the class for the interruption, the comedian replies, "If this is awkward for you, it's very uncomfortable for me, I can tell you…. I'd love to move but every time I do my balls get buzzed."

Hah. Australians are all beer-addled hooligans, but sometimes they are pretty funny.