The Steve Wars
In your inexplicable Thursday media column: picturing the New York Times' printing presses, Porsche's CEO pays off old reporters, a 174-year-old newspaper folds, and Steve vs. Steve. Steve?

The most important thing that happened during Barack Obama's press conference last night: One reporter named Steve stood up and asked a question when in fact Obama had called on a different reporter named Steve. "I've apologized to Steve," said Steve. But will America-Steve relations ever recover?

Here's a beautiful Flickr gallery of the New York Times' printing factory. See it while you can!

Hurrrrummmm...the outgoing CEO of Porsche is getting a $71 million check on his way out the door, and he's decided to donate $1.4 million to associations that "serve as a support for elderly and suffering journalists." Love him, journalists! Love him!

The 174 year-old Ann Arbor (Michigan) News published its final issue today. It's folding. "Ann Arbor today becomes the first city in the country to lose its only daily newspaper." You can still follow them on Twitter.