
Donald Trump's Largest Son Is Incoherent About Money, Just Like Dad

Brendan O'Connor · 07/12/16 10:46AM

The Washington Post continues its aggressive reporting on Donald Trump’s charitable contributions, most recently putting the screws to the presumptive Republican nominee’s son, Eric Trump. “It’s disgusting. It is so disgusting what’s happening,” Eric complained last week. “I’m saving dying children. We do tremendous good for people. And you’re sitting there tearing us apart.”

It's Not Charity If You Want Your Name on It

Hamilton Nolan · 10/27/15 10:42AM

Very rich people sometimes make very large donations to educational or cultural institutions. In return, they ask for their names to be plastered atop buildings. These donations have no moral worth.

Rich Colleges Get Richer and Richer

Hamilton Nolan · 01/28/15 11:52AM

The 1%-vs-99% inequality dynamic that plagues America's economy as a whole extends to the world of higher education. And the richest universities in America had a great year last year.

Famous Porn Star Sperm Donor Is Also a 36-Year-Old Virgin

Adrian Chen · 01/16/12 07:11PM

We weren't the only ones simultaneously grossed out by and fascinated with human DNA factory Trent Arsenault—the prolific DIY sperm donor who happens to be a prolific amateur porn star. He's going to be on Anderson Cooper's daytime talk show tomorrow, where he'll admit to being a 36-year-old virgin with more than a dozen kids.

The Single Largest Benefactor of Occupy Wall Street Is a Mitt Romney Donor

Max Read · 10/17/11 09:02PM

Meet Robert Halper, a retired trader and former vice chairman of the New York Mercantile Exchange. Like a lot of wealthy Wall Street-connected 52-year-olds, Halper gave the maximum contribution of $2,500 to Mitt Romney's presidential campaign. But this guy also wrote a $20,000 check to help launch Occupy Wall Street.

Michele Bachmann Has Priced Her Presidential Run

Jim Newell · 05/13/11 05:14PM

So, Michele Bachmann... she is probably just pretending to consider a run for president in order to raise PAC money? But maybe she's serious? We haven't conclusively determined where Bachmann's potential candidacy lands on the fake/real spectrum. But the murmurs are certainly helping her raise cash. And now she's introduced a tiered donation system in her latest email solicitation: $25 bucks for another House run, $50 "or $100" for a presidential run. Checkbooks out, chop chop!

Firefighters Break Up With National Democrats

Max Read · 04/26/11 11:11PM

The International Association of Fire Fighters—the sexiest of all unions—has announced that it's suspending all of its contributions to federal candidates "out of frustration with Congressional Democrats." Which is not an uncommon feeling these days! But the firefighters' union donated nearly $2 million to Democratic candidates for the 2010 elections, so their spending suspension may be taken a bit more seriously than mine. "We're feeling taken for granted," the union's president, Harold Schaitberger, told The New York Times, which seems reasonable—after all, they don't just donate money and support Democratic candidates; they also fight fires, in peoples' homes. IAFF's dough will now go to state and local-level candidates, especially in states where unions are being threatened by Tea Party jerkoffs. Expect Senate Democrats to respond by sucking up extra hard to rich people. [NYT; image via AP]

Latest James O'Keefe NPR Tape Immediately Proves A Dud

Jim Newell · 03/17/11 03:21PM

Branded as a revelatory scoop uncovering previously unknown donations from George Soros to NPR, James O'Keefe's latest sting on NPR was debunked as a non-story within hours of its release.

Nine-Year-Old Raises $2.85 for Gabrielle Giffords

Max Read · 01/21/11 12:53AM

Looking to have a nice little cry? Not a sad one, but a sort of sweet, hopeful, lump-in-the-throat kind of deal? Meet nine-year-old Isaac Saldana, who, behind his mother's back, sold his toys to donate $2.85 to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.

MSNBC Suspends Joe Scarborough over Political Donations

Jim Newell · 11/19/10 02:23PM

MSNBC, just to put itself on the record as "consistent," has suspended Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough for the same reason it suspended Keith Olbermann: Political donations without advance approval. Interestingly, Politico, where Scarborough writes a column, instigated the suspension.

MSNBC Might as Well Suspend Joe Scarborough, Too

Adrian Chen · 11/06/10 10:29AM

MSNBC suspended Keith Olbermann because he donated to candidates' campaigns. Uh, so did Joe Scarborough. Alabama campaign finance records show he made a $5,000 donation to an Alabama state legislative candidate. Scarborough claims it was his wife's donation.