Optimistic, and Crazy? J-School!
In your darkening Wednesday media column: J-school mania explained, the Food Network thrives, media conglomerates put on a happy face, and Adam Rubin gets plenty of sympathy.

The Village Voice talks to recent Columbia J-school grads to figure out what the fuck they were thinking, going to J-school. "I might be crazy, but I'm optimistic," says one. That sums it all up.

The Food Network is doing great! Not doing so great: the restaurant industry. Soon all food will be consumed via television.

Media conglomerate news: the bankrupt Tribune Co. could exit bankruptcy as early as the end of this year! If, uh, all goes well; The AP got rid of 100 staffers, with buyouts; Media profits at McGraw-Hill and Time Warner were down significantly; and Viacom had a bad quarter, but they're "hopeful." Let's all be!

As predicted, the crazy saga of Daily News reporter Adam Rubin being accused of fishing for a job with the Mets has sparked a discussion about journalistic job-fishing! Everybody does it, says D. Carr. Kelly McBride offers some incredibly easy ethical guidelines. And every sports reporter in New York is on Rubin's side, because they could be next.