
J-School Teachers Are Wrong About J-School

Hamilton Nolan · 08/09/13 09:56AM

In a new survey from Poynter, 57% of actual media professionals say that a journalism school degree is very or extremely important for "understanding the values of journalism." But 96% of J-school teachers say that it is. This is all you need to know about J-school.

Financial Reporter Also an Avid Stock Trader

Hamilton Nolan · 10/18/10 02:54PM

In your maverick Monday media column: conflict scandal at Reuters, J-school is worthless, media reporter play their roles, E&P cans its editors, and smart stories make the most money online, allegedly.

The Future of Magazines Is Squinty

Hamilton Nolan · 08/11/10 01:29PM

In your wondrous Wednesday media column: a mobile phone-focused magazine launch, a J-school's magical new fee, Stefano Tonchi talks trash, a sluggish growth forecast, and Northeast recruiting explained.

Noted Sock Puppet Lee Siegel Finds New Gig

Hamilton Nolan · 04/12/10 01:44PM

In your magnificent Monday media column: our good friend Sprezzatura joins the NYO, a sexual harassment suit at NY1, Keith Olbermann is arguing on the Twitter, and a blind J-school student teaches us all a valuable lesson.

Iceland Ready to Rake in That Sweet Journalism Money

Hamilton Nolan · 02/11/10 01:31PM

In your explosive Thursday media column: Iceland's bad bet, the wienermobile is the future of journalism, more hard times at USA Today, Conde Nast would like to be the new Wonkette, and a scary scene at Fashion Week.

Conde Nast Rumor Ping-Pong

Hamilton Nolan · 09/21/09 12:52PM

In your momentous Monday media column: Conde Nast mag closure rumors continue to leak, everybody's selling weed these days, the Amish organize their newspapers in an insane manner, and a "joke," about J-school!