Last November, Mary Anderson attended a Method Man concert at Houston's House of Blues. Later, she approached Method Man, whom Ms. Anderson was a fan of, for an autograph. He then pulled out a gun and opened fire on her.

The incident in question happened last November and, luckily for Anderson, the gun was loaded with only pellets, but still! So now she's suing the anti-autograph, pellet gun-slinging rap star. Reports the Houston Press:

According to the lawsuit, Anderson attended a rap concert where Method Man and Redman were performing.

Afterward, Anderson joined a group of fans outside, where Method Man was signing autographs out of the back window of a bus. When Anderson handed Method Man her ticket stub for him to sign, Method Man suddenly pulled out a pellet gun and began firing, hitting Anderson in the torso, according to the lawsuit.

Anderson's attorney, Daniel Horowitz, tells Hair Balls that Anderson suffered permanent scarring on her chest, stomach and breast area.

"You can't just go around the country shooting people like that," says Horowitz, "and then leave town and not think anything's going to happen."

Yes, you can't just go around the country shooting autograph-seekers with pellet guns Method Man. Geez, why the hell do you think God invented pigeons?

But on another note, what kind of gangsta rapper goes around packing a damn pellet gun? Shouldn't Suge Knight beat his ass down for this?