So Anna Wintour is starting to "get the Web" amid McKinsey's rampage through Vogue and its parent company. How long, then, before the smartphone-tapping, runway-hopping editor jumps on Twitter? Because this can't be real. (UPDATE: It isn't.)

Twitter's @RealAnnaWintour gets some things right, sorta: long work hours, plugs for the magazine, and avid advocacy on behalf of the fashion industry. But there are way too many exclamation points (nine in a row?!); Anna Wintour does not follow Perez Hilton; nor does she tout "swine flue masks" as "the biggest trend for fall." And acknowledging the existence of takedown roman à clef Devil Wears Prada? It takes years to work up to that level of oversharing.

UPDATE: A Condé Nast spokesperson confirmed to us that @RealAnnaWintour is fake. The closest Wintour has come to the microblogging service is promoting Fashion's Night out, which has a Twitter feed.

UPDATE 2: Jeff Bercovici at Daily Finance noticed that the Twitter stream was used repeatedly to pimp David Lerner stockings; Lerner swears he and his staff had nothing to do with the account.