Jon Stewart to Fox News: 'Welcome to Liberalism F**kos!'

Every now and again, The Daily Show will do something that just about makes you want to stand up and cheer. Tonight was one of those nights, as the show aired a Fox News takedown for the ages.
Stewart and his staff dug deep into the archives to find some great footage of various Fox News personalities vehemently condemning the very behaviors that they're now so enthusiastically championing, like criticizing the president during a time of war and taking to the streets in protests. These are the types of things that liberals do! So Fox News = the new liberals!
At one point in tonight's broadcast, Stewart mentioned that after tomorrow night's show he and his staff would be taking three weeks off for vacation. You almost get the feeling watching this that they wanted to go out with a bit of a bang, to get one last good, solid right hook in before they left the ring for a few weeks. In such, they most certainly succeeded. Hurry back guys. You'll be missed in the midst of the craziness going on right now.
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