Well here's a shocker: Liskula Cohen, the Vogue model so obsessed with revealing the identity of an anonymous blogger who called her a "skank" that she sued Google, discovered yesterday that she and the offending blogger are actually social acquaintances!

Concluding what has to have been the biggest waste of time in the history of the American judicial system, a Manhattan Supreme Court judge ordered Google to fork over the email address of the author of the now-defunct "Skanks in NYC" blog who once called Cohen a "lying, whoring skank." Armed with this information, the model did what models are renowned for doing: internet sleuthing! Says the New York Post:

Using various search engines, the clever cover girl came up with the person's name — and recognized it as a woman with whom she had a passing acquaintance.

She "was an irrelevant person" whom she'd bump into at events and restaurants around town, Cohen said. "She was always around."

Cohen, who for now is refusing to reveal her frenemie's name, said she called the girl out of the blue and surprised her.

The stammering blogger responded, "We shouldn't be talking . . . We should talk with the lawyers."

Cohen stopped her in her tracks. "I said, 'No more lawyers. It's OK. I said I forgive you. It doesn't matter anymore,' " Cohen told ABC's "Good Morning America."

"She told me we should talk in person. I said fine."

Wait, what? That's it?! What kind of bullshit melodrama is this? Where's the hair-pulling? The nail-scratching? Oh but wait, the lawyers aren't finished with this yet!

Cohen is not letting the matter drop just yet, and her lawyer, Steven Wagner, said he plans to file a defamation suit against the blogger as early as today.

Yes! A defamation suit in this case would be amazing, seeing as each side would be forced to provide evidence to show whether or not Liskula Cohen is or is not a "skank." How many men has Liskula slept with in the past five years? How many partners does a friendly lady have to bed to achieve skank status? Does blowing dudes in the back of cabs make one a skank? Unprotected butt sex? Oh my, this could be great fun. Yes, please. Ladies and gentlemen, we may have our new trial of the century right here!