Poor Kari Ann Peniche. Her naked romp with Grey's Anatomy star Eric Dane and Rebecca Gayheart has only been around since Monday and people are already forgetting her. First up, Dane's co-star Justin Chambers. Next, the world.

According to Page Six, the former Miss Teen USA and possible Hollywood madam, walked right up to Chambers (who plays Dr. Alex Karev) at a party in L.A. Problem is, even after all the kerfuffle, he had no clue who she was. Harsh. And this was on Tuesday, the day after the hot tub adventure went public.

Damn, we give it a month before she's somewhere in Hollywood knocking over tables and screaming, "Don't you know who I am? I was the other girl in the McSteamy tape!"

Speaking of McSteamy, he was snapped by the paparazzi yesterday, reportedly leaving the doctor's office. What could he be doing there? Probably research for his role. Yeah, that's it. No checkup needed.