
Happy Birthday

cityfile · 07/10/09 06:34AM

Adrian Grenier turns 33 today. Jessica Simpson is turning 29. City comptroller (and mayoral wannabe) William Thompson is turning 56. Former mayor David Dinkins is turning 82. Times film critic A.O. Scott is 43. Showtime chief Matt Blank is turning 59. Author and marketing guru Seth Godin is 49. Writer Alice Munro is 78. Actress Sofia Vergara is 37. Eunice Kennedy Shriver is turning 88. The Office's Phyllis Smith is 58. Socialite Lisa Anastos is 41. Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan is turning 52. And Neil Tennant of the Pet Shop Boys is 55. Weekend birthdays below!

Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Justin Chambers

Seth Abramovitch · 01/28/09 01:17PM

1/27 — So I was moving among the gay gladiators of Gold's Gym Hollywood, where who should I find cranking away at the handbike but relatively drama-free Grey's Anatomy hunk JUSTIN CHAMBERS. Here's what I'll tell you about Justin Chambers: handsome, weight-conscious (he got on the scale), entourage- and trainer-free, and generally seemed like a nice guy. How can I tell all this by observing him from a safe distance? I just can. [Hollywood PrivacyWatch is written by and for Defamer readers; send your sightings to tips@defamer.com.]

'Grey's' Star Justin Chambers Sleeptalks, Bitchtalks, Then Promptly Passes Out

Molly Friedman · 03/27/08 11:35AM

Justin Chambers, of Grey's Anatomy "fame", is one of those actors you have a really tough time figuring out whether you'd rather slap across the face or take him home for a one-night stand. In the end, of course, you'd like to do both. But after reading this story regarding his behavior while going out solo in Palm Springs this week, we're more inclined to team up with his wife Keisha, don The Bride's yellow onesies and stage a formal attack directed by Tarantino. (Maybe Rodriguez could even lend us a machine gun leg-strap-on?) According to Star:

Celebrity Ailments

Nick Denton · 02/01/08 11:27AM

We read the celebrity news so you don't have to. In case this morning's one-paragraph gossip roundup was too much unbroken text, here's a handy guide to our ailing stars. They're dropping like flies!