Let's All Hire Sarah Palin to Speak to Us!

We will need probably a zillion dollars or so to book her, but Sarah Palin is at least finally accepting speaking engagements! Just like Tom Friedman and other people who are very expensive and always wrong. First up: Hong Kong!
Oh, look, we got an invite!
Hong Kong - 31 August 2009 - CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets, Asia's leading independent brokerage and investment group, will host the former Governor of Alaska and Republican vice-presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, in her first international speaking engagement outside North America.
Palin will address CLSA clients and delegates in a keynote speech at the 16th CLSA Investors' Forum to be held in Hong Kong from 21-25 September. Palin joins a list of noted global leaders including Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Alan Greenspan who have chosen the CLSA Investors' Forum as their platform of choice to reach global institutional fund managers and CEO's of Asia's leading listed corporations.
Noted global leaders Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Alan Greenspan, and Sarah Palin! Hah, one of these things is not like the other. (Alan Greenspan is the only one who broke a whole fucking country.)
Oh, the reason Palin is speaking to these investors, after spending months accepting speaking invites and then canceling at the last minute claiming she never agreed to them, is because she has signed on with the Washington Speakers Bureau, which is sort of this big scam company that you send hundreds of thousands of dollars to, and then they send you various liars and frauds.
Palin speeches are expected to go for "six figures apiece," but if you want someone to have written them down for her beforehand, that'll probably be extra.
And she's "about 85 percent finished with her book, due out this spring from HarperCollins"! The book sounds like it is so far about marathons she has attended and baskets she has scored. Palin was paid millions of dollars to write this book, which will be a collection of blog posts about fat hipsters.
She is going to be very, very wealthy, and this is all before she decides on a TV or radio gig, and also there is a Liberal Media Plot against her.