
What Brett Ratner Should Do With the Oscars

Richard Lawson · 08/05/11 03:31PM

It was announced yesterday that director Brett Ratner, figuring he wasn't going to get much closer to an Oscar, will produce next year's Academy Awards ceremony. Strange choice, Academy! But it's been made, so let's make the best of it and give Ratner some suggestions.

Anthony Weiner Asked to Cameo on Entourage

Richard Lawson · 06/17/11 09:49AM

Sex-shamed congressman and budding amateur photographer Anthony Weiner is of course, following his resignation from the House of Representatives yesterday, considering his next move. Well, consider no further, sir! Entourage wants you.

Let's All Hire Sarah Palin to Speak to Us!

Pareene · 08/31/09 04:40PM

We will need probably a zillion dollars or so to book her, but Sarah Palin is at least finally accepting speaking engagements! Just like Tom Friedman and other people who are very expensive and always wrong. First up: Hong Kong!