After Sparrow Madden, What Celebrity Baby Names Are Left?

Nicole Richie just had a baby boy. His name is Sparrow James Midnight Madden. We love that celebrities don't give their spawn normal people names.
But with Sparrow, Shiloh, Apple, Bluebell, Blanket and Kal-El all snatched up, it might seem to the new celeb parent that they are running out of insane name options. To help the busy model/actress/mother save a little time leafing through the thesaurus, we've suggested a few ready to go names for the next generation of Young Hollywood.
- Old Latrobe Kardsashian
- Dodo Centrifuge Simpson-Wentz
- Moustache Pandaboy Gosling
- Great Dane-Gayheart
- Michelin Sapphire Klum
- Chinoiserie Dymphna Jolie-Pitt
- Hardy Henson Affleck
- Revenge Validation Aniston
- Sophocles Giraffe Diaz
And, in the unlikely possibility that Ryan Seacrest stickst it to a lady and gets her knocked up:
- Tentacle Lavendar Seacrest
What have we left out? Tomorrow's celebrity parents need your help? Post your suggestions please!
[Image via BBaunach's Flickr]