The community-oriented group ACORN became quite the political target during last year's election. Because, you know, they're brown and poor and conservatives viewed them as a leftist cog in the system. But could the right be, well, right?

If you ask people like Glenn Beck and his friends at Fox News, yes. That's because two Baltimore-based ACORN employees have been sacked after allegedly helping a "pimp" and a "prostitute" realize their tax-evading dreams. Beck and others do not approve, of course, and are using this incident as definitive proof that the group, officially called the "Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now," is populated by a bunch of no-good ragamuffins who want to cheat the government and turn our children into dirty whores. Oh no!

Of course, that's only part of the organization's story, for some Floridian ACORN leaders this week turned in eleven — that's a lot! — of their employees for committing voter fraud voter registration fraud, an act the organization claims only reinforces its good name.

"It shows that we take the integrity of our voter registration work with the utmost seriousness," said ACORN spokesman Brian Kettenring. "We turn in people who try to game the system."

Well, that's good. Because people who commit fraud are criminals and deserve their punishment. These two incidents, however, also show how a national organization can be defined by its actions. Many of us may wag a finger at the GOP and call them names after Joe Wilson's outburst, but isn't it also true that Democrats and other "left" leaning groups have acted inappropriately, as those two Baltimore ACORN employees have done?

It's obvious Fox and friends have seized on this whore situation to help recoup their efforts in the face of Wilson's national shaming, but let's not blame them, for the entire nation — black, white, Puerto Rican and Asian — are just as guilty. We are all political whores here. Let's just hope we can find the highest bidder. Otherwise we're just cheap. And that would be unacceptable, because we're the greatest fucking nation in the entire universe. We sell ourselves, yes, but only if the price is right.