The bed bug infestation continues to take New York by storm. The latest victim? International advertising firm Saatchi & Saatchi. Could middle American fashion temple JC Penney be at fault?

We're not sure, but a tipster tells us that Saatchi & Saatchi, which has represented Penney since late-2006, recently commissioned the store to deck out its new 17th floor lounge. That lounge, however, has now been closed due to the aforementioned bed bug invasion. The scientifically-backed company memo:

Our testing shows that the insect condition is limited to the 17th Floor. We will continue to test other floors on an ongoing basis and react accordingly.

As is normal procedure, the second phase of the eradication process will commence at 8pm Friday night and will take approximately 6 hours. Normal environmental conditions will not exist until Saturday noon. Please do not plan to work on the 17th Floor until after 12pm (Saturday). Everyone on the 17th Floor must vacate the floor by 7pm Friday night. All accessible switchplates and outlet covers will be removed during the day (Friday).

In 14 days, we will re-treat the entire 17th Floor to be doubly sure that conditions are 100% satisfactory.

All chemicals used are DEA and EPA registered and approved. If you have any health concerns, feel free to work from home tomorrow.

Screw health concerns. We'd be more concerned that Saatchi & Saatchi's little parasites would cling to us and invade our personal space. Oh, and the bed bugs, too.