Gavin Newsom to Ruin Governor's Race by Not Participating?

Noooooo: a conspiracy-minded blog is floating a rumor that Gavin Newsom is dropping out of the race. Who will play fitting successor to Arnold Schwarzenegger if not boozing, other-guy's-wife-fucking, threesome-actress-marrying, fameballer-family-having, Twitter-obsessed, gay-marrying San Francisco mayor?
Like the current movie-star governor, the carefully-shellacked San Francisco mayor makes the Golden State's gubernatorial race feel surreal in a "fruits and nuts" way that competitors like ex-eBay CEO Meg Whitman and even former hippie governor Jerry Brown just can't. This is the guy whose press secretary jokes merrily about weed, and who recently had the gall to tell the New York Times that his affair with his friend's wife was "much more benign than [things] actually appeared in print."
The blog I Love You Gavin Newsom claims that City Hall and campaign sources say Newsom will quit the governor's race, probably in the fall, since he's anywhere from 9 to 29 points behind Brown in the polls. On the other hand, Newsom is rumored to be getting an endorsement from former president Bill Clinton, and I Love You Gavin Newsom has proven a touch too conspiracy minded in the past (we sympathize!). So let's hope they're wrong on this, if only because we might otherwise have to draft Gary Coleman to run again.