Doctor Suggests Scalia Was Killed by Incredibly Unhealthy Lifestyle, Not Suspicious Pillow
Ashley Feinberg · 02/23/16 05:49PMA Guide to the Right Wing's Hillary Clinton Health Conspiracy Theories
Allie Jones · 02/23/16 01:42PMFlorida Atlantic University Fires Sandy Hook "Truther" Professor
Brendan O'Connor · 01/07/16 08:55PMFox & Friends Host: I Remember Seeing American Muslims Cheering on 9/11
Allie Jones · 11/30/15 01:20PMThough many have condemned Donald Trump for repeating his claims that “thousands” of New Jersey Muslims celebrated on 9/11, and that there is old TV news footage somewhere out there to prove it, one brave, bumbling Fox & Friends host defended the “idea” of Trump’s story this morning. That man was Steve Doocy, of course.
Dr. Ben Carson Really Wants You to Know He Stabbed Someone as a Teen
Jay Hathaway · 10/28/15 05:10PMOne of the formative stories in frontrunning GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson’s life, a tale he’s told in no less than six of his books and trotted out again on the campaign trail this year, describes how, as a teen, he became so enraged that he stabbed another boy. In every version of the story, the boy’s metal belt buckle fortuitously saves him from Carson’s stabbity wrath. But, as the Daily Beast’s Gideon Resnick noticed when he compared Carson’s accounts, that’s the only detail that’s consistent across all of them.
The Obama-Biden "Paint the White House Black" Conspiracy Theory
Hamilton Nolan · 09/21/15 10:22AMTexas State Militia Recruiters: Jade Helm Conspiracies a "Great Opportunity"
Sam Biddle · 09/10/15 12:35PM
When Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced that the Texas Military Forces would “monitor” Jade Helm, a U.S. military training exercise taking place in Texas this summer, he didn’t just give an implicit thumbs up to the dumbest conspiracy kooks of the right—he also inspired those kooks to sign up for the Texas militia to defend their state.
Poll: 45 Percent of Voters Worried Obama's Army Is About to Take Over
Ashley Feinberg · 05/12/15 03:17PM
With every day that passes, it seems like yet another politician is jumping aboard the good, maniacal ship Jade Helm conspiracy theory. And according to a new poll from Rasmussen, these lovable lunatics we elected into office are not alone. Because 45 percent of voters “are concerned” that Jade Helm is just a cover for martial law in the American Southwest.
Ted Cruz Joins "Jade Helm" Conspiracy Lunatic Club
Sam Biddle · 05/05/15 11:00AMGovernor Vows to Defend Texas Against Insane Imaginary Obama Invasion
Sam Biddle · 05/04/15 11:14AMJeff Wise Is Here to Chat About His Flight MH370 Disappearance Theory
J.K. Trotter · 02/24/15 02:00PM
Anyone obsessed with the disappearance of Flight MH370 knows the name of Jeff Wise, a private pilot and science writer who has frequently appeared on CNN to track new developments in the search for the missing plane. Today he’s here to chat with Gawker readers about his personal theory—detailed in a 95-page Kindle Single and excerpted in New York magazine—for how the passenger jet vanished without a trace on March 8, 2014. It involves bogus flight data, Russian hijackers, and a remote facility in Kazakhstan (among others things).
Here's the Story Behind That Catchy "Everybody Knows Shit Fuck" Song
Jay Hathaway · 12/03/14 04:27PMThis clip of a man jamming on a keyboard and singing what sounds like "everybody knows shit, FUCK" has been making the rounds today: It's been dubbed "The Everybody Knows Shit Fuck Dance," and declared "one of the internet's greatest achievements" from a "street musician who only knows four words." Only some of that is true.
Here's What Russell Brand Actually Said About 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
Jay Hathaway · 10/24/14 04:30PMEbola Panic Finally Gets Its Mystery Conspiracy Figure: Clipboard Guy
Jordan Sargent · 10/16/14 04:30PMThe Boston Marathon bombing had the mysterious man on the roof. Sandy Hook had multiple shooters. 9/11 had...actually, nevermind. And yesterday, the Great Ebola Panic of 2014 debuted its own mysterious man photographed from a distance: Clipboard guy, who was spotted on the Tarmac without a hazmat suit when Ebola patient Amber Vinson was transported into an airplane.
Did Russian Officials Edit Wikipedia to Back Up a Bogus MH17 Theory?
Adam Weinstein · 07/22/14 01:57PM
Russian defense officials Monday argued that a Ukrainian warplane was near Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and may have been responsible for the commercial jet's deadly shootdown. And when the physics seemed to dispute that theory, Russian officials appear to have changed the physics—on Wikipedia, at least.
Ron Paul's MH17 Theories Are Crazy Even for Ron Paul
Adam Weinstein · 07/21/14 04:48PMGOP Candidate Convinced His Opponent Is a "Body Double or a Robot"
Allie Jones · 06/27/14 01:15PM
Longtime GOP Rep. Frank Lucas won his primary in Oklahoma on Tuesday, but one of his opponents is pretty sure the real Frank Lucas died three years ago. Tim Murray wrote a letter announcing his plan to contest Lucas's win, explaining, "It is widely known Rep. Frank D. Lucas is no longer alive and has been displayed by a look alike."
Hamilton Nolan · 06/16/14 10:48AM
The Not-Quite-Solved Murder of Anna Mae Aquash Is A Conspiracy Pileup
Michelle Dean · 04/25/14 03:45PM
The New York Times Magazine has a new article up about the 1975 killing of Anna Mae Aquash. Two people were convicted of that crime in 2004 and 2010, but Eric Konigsberg's article is entitled "Who Killed Anna Mae?" because it advances the theory that the murder happened on orders from people inside the American Indian Movement, the indigenous civil rights movement of which Aquash was a prominent part.