The Fake New York Post: Get Yours Now

Last November, New Yorkers were greeted one morning with a Fake New York Times, produced by pinkos. Today the same people—The Yes Men—have dropped a Fake New York Post on the city. Let's look, then!
Top stories:
- "We're Screwed!" By climate change.
- "Pentagon top brass warn: Act now, or pay later with ‘lives'." Global warming kills.
- "Congress cops out on climate." Greenhouse gas is dangerous.
So while the Fake NYT was about ending the Iraq War, the Fake NYP is all about global warming. It's much too earnest to really capture the full comedic potential of the setup, but you have to at least admire the ambition.

Apparently, instead of flooding the East River with Survivaballs as we originally thought, this fake paper was The Yes Men's big stunt. It's keyed to promote The Age of Stupid, the soon-to-be-released environmental flick. Want to know where you can pick up your free copy of the Fake New York Post? The group sent out an email advisory last night to volunteers telling them to go to the following spots. You should still see liberals out there with the papers if you go now:
* UN Headquarters - 2nd Ave. and E. 41st Street, SE corner (subway: 4-5-6
Grand Central)* Grand Central - E. 42nd St. and Lexington, SW corner (subway: 4-5-6
Grand Central)* Penn Station - W. 33rd Street between 7th and 8th Ave., nearer to 7th
Ave. (subway: A-C-E-1-2-3 Penn Station)* Columbus Circle - corner of 58th and 8th Ave., NW side (subway:
1-A-B-C-D, Columbus Circle)* Wall Street area - just north of 20 Broad Street, near Wall Street
(subway: JMZ Broad Street or 4-5 Wall Street)* Atlantic Ave. (BROOKLYN) subway stop, on the corner of Ashland and
Hansen Place* Staten Island Ferry building - northwest corner of State Street and
Whitehall Street (subway: 1, South Ferry station)* World Trade Center - Church and Barclay, SE corner (subway: E or Path to
WTC, 4-5 Fulton Street)* Union Square - northwest side, near 17th Street