Saturday Night Special

We're gonna start using the final post of the day on Saturday's as an open commenter thread. Come by, won't you? Meanwhile: today was fun.
Michael Jackson talked to rabbis. Did you know tomorrow night is Yom Kippur? Maybe I'll repent for all those typos, or George Bush will repent for not giving J.K. Rowling a Presidential Medal of Honor because Jesus hates wizards or whatever.
Hopefully Lorne Michaels won't have to repent for Saturday Night Live sucking tonight, as its having it's premiere! And we should be excited for it. I'll probably drop in here to blog a little bit of it. Maybe banks will preemptively repent for screwing world economies in a very uncomfortable place: their wallets! Did you know they made $5.2B in trading derivatives in the second fiscal quarter? Well: they did. How 'bout that? Also: is this Rupert Murdoch Twitter account real? The world: I have questions for it.
Finally, if you're in New York, Phoenix is playing in Central Park! Which is pretty big for them. Lots of famous bands have played Central Park, and they went from being obscure and French to famous and French, which in this country: impressive. A Pitchfork writer (as they sometimes do) put it best:
Even after TV placements, Apple ads, movie trailer placements, Brat Pack YouTube videos, and 103 plays according to my iTunes, "Lisztomania" has not gotten old. I don't understand how this is possible, but I'm not questioning it. Even lead singer Thomas Mars' ever-so-slight lyrical flub near the beginning of their performance of the song on "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon" only makes me like this band more. They are human beings making invincible songs.
So true. Tomorrow: Altarcations at 2:30, the Washington Post's Twitter Guidelines (which we'll try not to steal, har), figuring out whether or not New York Times dining editor Pete Wells hates food, and more. Until then, catchy songs. Crank it: