Some twisted soul posted a Facebook poll yesterday asking whether or not President Obama should be assassinated. Obviously that's a big no-no, and now Facebook and the Secret Service have joined forces to form an elite crime fighting team.

Well, it's probably not as swash-buckling as it sounds, but Facebook did take down the poll and a Secret Service spokesman confirmed the site's cooperation in finding the perp: "We worked with Facebook to take it down, and we are currently investigating the matter."

Facebook, meanwhile, insists it will do everything in its power to find the pollster, and the company's policy spokesman used the occasion to distance the all powerful site from any and all responsibility, because polls are organized by a third-party:

People contact us all the time if they see things that are inappropriate. And we investigate all those reports. We take action by taking it down, by issuing a warning or by reporting it to law enforcement. At the same time, we want Facebook to be open to discuss ideas. We don't pre-approve postings.

As for the poll's results, those aren't being released.

Update: A man named Vann came out as the poll's mastermind, but gave few details about himself other than that he's an Obama supporter who lives on the West Coast but once lived in Illinois.