The Way We Live Now: Breaking astounding barriers of the mind and soul! Money scientists have discovered who has it worst in this recession: the poor. That's right, the poor. Surprise. It is the fault of cows—girl cows.

There are really no penetrating fact that the US Census Bureau cannot discover and then tell you, including this one: Poor people weren't doing all that great before the recession, but now that we have had a recession, woo boy, let the US Census Bureau tell you—poor people are not doing so well, now.

While you "chew that one over" (in your mind only), why not chew on some nice cow milk, produced efficiently through science, using bull semen? Sounds pleasant, right? Wrong, because in the same way that scientific cows "chew their cud," cow farmers have been "chewed up" by Big Science, econometrically. Because sure, Big Science taught the cow farmers how to make more female cows to make more milk, but now there's too many female cows with too much milk, and now the farmers are way poor, just like the non-farming poor.

How did this happen? These selected NYT quotes should give you an idea: "the sorting technique, known as sexed semen...After it is collected from a bull at a stud farm, semen is mixed with a dye that sticks to DNA."

And there you have it all, in a nutshell. The poor are getting poorer and cows aren't helping at all, nor are semen-perusing scientists. All this as the new list of the 15 Hottest Toys includes both the "Laugh & Learn Learning Farm" and the "Littlest Pet Shop Adoption Center." Guess what you won't be adopting and learning about kids? Male cows, with their money-producing semen. The System doesn't want you to know.
[Pic: Mr. Spinch's Flickr]