Twitter Co-Founder Disses Own Condo Furnishings

Evan Williams kissed up to his wife via dissing his penthouse; Kevin Smith had a little freakout and Kevin Pollak made some sort of barbed remark involving Canada. The Twitterati were comparing and contrasting.

NewTeeVee's Liz Gannes finds certain software downright offensive.

Twitter's Evan Williams explained that his for-sale penthouse looks like a Pier 1 catalog because his uber-chic wife didn't do the staging.

Director Kevin Smith was on a sugar high.

DC TV reporter Brian Bolter bemoaned the media world he leaves to his children.

American actor Kevin Pollak observed that Canada is looking more like America every day. And that's not a good thing.
Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets - or send us more Twitter usernames.