Sandra Guzman was correct, if soft spoken. The New York Post editor publicly objected to an offensive cartoon in her newspaper. Her boss Rupert Murdoch objected too. But his henchmen just cast her out.

After infamous Post cartoonist Sean Delonas published a panel depicting a dead monkey who wrote President Obama's stimulus bill, associate editor Guzman sent an email to other reporters saying "I had nothing to do with the Sean Delonas cartoon... I have raised my objections to management." Naturally, the note went public.

The Post fired Guzman last week when it discontinued her section, Tempo. But sources inside the paper tell the Huffington Post's Sam Stein that it seemed management was looking for an excuse to get rid of Guzman.

She has been on their shit list and they were trying to look for a reason to get rid of her.

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Murdoch's News Corporation, which owns the Post, is, by all accounts, an organization especially obsessed with loyalty and hierarchy. And Guzman spoke out of turn. Yes, she was correct, and her comments were, even then, restrained. Yes, Murdoch agreed with her, writing that the cartoon was "a mistake... I want to personally apologize..." And yes, in an era of Twitter and Facebook overshares, there are editors who regularly slag their own publications far harder. But it would appear that none of these mitigating circumstances matter in the insular culture of News Corp., where a plainly bigoted but loyal cartoonist remains on staff while the mildest of dissenters is shown the door.