When Conde Nast folded Elegant Bride and Modern Bride in its magazine purge this week, the company also announced it was increasing the frequency of Brides. But now tipsters are telling us that Brides is suffering its own purge.

One tipster called it a "bloodbath," writing: "14 [Brides] employees fired to make room for Cookie staff. Not provided with severance that Modern Bride and Cookie staff were provided as part of the Obama layoff law."

Another tipster tells us: "A just let-go party says that the ex-Cookie publisher/now-Brides publisher has replaced 90% of the Brides advertising team with her own people." [Monday the NYO said that Cookie publisher Carolyn Kremins was "valued internally" and would probably not be laid off.]

That would certainly be a bitch for the staffers at Brides, who must have figured they squeaked their way through this unscathed. We've emailed Conde and we'll update when we hear from them. In the meantime, if you know more, email us.
UPDATE: John Koblin hears the same thing.

[Jezebel is also looking to hear from laid-off bridal mag staffers.]