One of this week's Conde Nast layoff victims has emailed us with a harrowing inside look at the human cost of magazine death. She seems ready to snap. Her email, in full, below:

There were cuts across the board over at (my former employer, as of today at 10:46 AM). Here in the NY office (1166 Sixth Avenue), members of the online ad sales team were let go (reps and associates), along with at least one rep for Brides Local Mag. Likewise, the sales team got the kibosh out in Chicago.

Even better, they're pulling the same stunt that they did over at Brides and are only offering 2 weeks for every year of employment for severance.

Burn the shit down man.

Oh right. And I'm drunk. And packing. Suh-weet. Let the funemployment commence.

Hire these people, quick.