Some Advice for Delightfully Inflammatory Alan Grayson

Barney Frank has long been described as the Democrat's most witty lawmaker, but that may soon change, because Alan Grayson's on an amusingly incendiary roll. He learns quick, yes, but could it bite him in the ass?
If you don't know Grayson, don't be embarrassed: he's a Freshman Representative from Florida, the land that time forgot. But that won't impede his national appeal among the left set: Grayson's been gaining ground as the Democratic party's newest sharp-tongued trash talker.
Grayson charmed last month when, on the floor, he said Republican health care plan rewards timely death, "Don't get sick, and if you do get sick, die quickly." Then, after the GOP got their panties in a twist and called for an apology, Grayson stuck it to them good: "I apologize to the dead and their families that we haven't voted sooner to end this holocaust in America."
The very next day, seizing the moment, Grayson told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that Republicans who oppose health care reform are "foot-dragging, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals." And that sensational hard line was out in full force yesterday when Grayson took to the floor to blast the GOP's obstructionist posturing:
[The American people] understand that if Barack Obama was somehow able to cure hunger in the world, the Republicans would blame him for overpopulation... In fact, they understand that if Barack Obama has a BLT sandwich tomorrow for lunch they would try and ban bacon. But that's not what America wants.
It's all very cute, yes, but as entertaining and, perhaps, true as Grayson's remarks, they may also backfire. In an article on how liberals call Grayson a "hero," CNN notes that neither Nancy Pelosi nor the White House would comment on Grayson's comments, nor the GOP's repeated calls for apology.
If he continues in this vein, Grayson may become too outrageous and too high on his inflammatory rhetoric and end up burning bridges in his own party. Regardless, if the Republican's equally vocal Joe Wilson's any indication, all this wonderful sensationalism will be a boon for fundraising. And that's what's most important here, isn't it?