A New York Times reporter trafficked in kitten pictures; Julia Allison's fashion scheme spread like a virus; and everyone decided gay people need special handling. The Twitterati were hatching schemes.

The New York Times' Stephanie Clifford posted a picture of an adorable kitten on the internet in a shameless bid to be associated, on the internet, with an adorable kitten — who just so happens to need your urgent help. Well. We would never do anything like that. (Kitty photo courtesy Clifford, btw. Ahem.)

Heidi Montag of The Hills has developed a dance move just for The Gays, presumably in a special lab of some sort.

Above the Law's David Lat, meanwhile, testified to the very precise targeting abilities of said lab.

Ashton Kutcher is just growing up so fast, isn't he, Demi?

Tech writer Milo Yiannopoulos issued a seemingly unlikely retweet of fameballer Julia Allison. The disdain was implied.

Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets - or send us more Twitter usernames.