A committed band of coots, cranks, and wingnuts in Williamsburg are ready to do whatever it takes to ensure that their neighborhood doesn't get one more wine bar, which would make all the gangs come in.

Stop the Custom American Wine and Tapas Bar from getting a liquor license, or there goes the neighborhood! "Opponents say the wine and tapas bar will attract binge drinking frat boys and gang violence." Really, they said that?

"We are trying to prevent gang activity in the neighborhood," said Luis Santiago, who said he was representing tenants from 232 Metropolitan Ave. "Opening this restaurant with beer and liquor, with teenagers already going crazy here, it's going to be an even bigger issue. I don't think it's a good idea for there to be tables and a cafe out on the sidewalk."

Ahaha. Yes. Wine, tapas, and outdoor cafe tables? Why not just put up a big sign that says "Free Machine Guns With Proof of Latin Kings Membership?" The landlord, though, made some good points of his own:

The hearing was frequently heated, with the owner of the building, Dobrivoye Filipovich, getting tossed after calling a staffer for Councilwoman Diana Reyna "a drug dealer" and branding [wine bar opponent] Wechter a "criminal."

There is no possible outcome of this dispute that would not make Williamsburg become slightly more annoying.
[Brooklyn Paper via Grub Street. Pic via]