If you didn't get married to someone you don't know in a sea of 20,000 cult members yesterday, you may have missed your chance. It looks like the Reverend Sun Myung Moon has performed his final mass wedding.

Moon is 89 and he's finally passed the responsibilities of his cult of personality and media empire on to his many children. Running the Unification Church is hard work! New church religious director Hyung Jin Moon flirted with Buddhism in college (who didn't?), and to prove his faith to his father's church he had to endure a marathon session of 21,000 "full-body bows" last August.

You may have heard that Moon owns The Washington Times and UPI, but did you know he also owns The New Yorker Hotel and a gun manufacturer? It's true, and weird! The WT loved Moon's recent memoir, and their story on the mass wedding is full of hilarious quotes from Unification Church officials and information from official Unification Church websites.

Hyung Jin Moon, Mr. Schanker said, "is a young guy, he has a pure heart, he is the baby of the family. Sometimes the Rev. Moon has polarized people in how he's challenged religious authorities. But the children are loving, embracing, down-to-earth. They have a broad spiritual vision for building healthy families and spiritual communities."

Hyung Jin Moon, who attended Harvard University and Harvard Divinity School, is married to Yeon Ah Lee and has five children. Still influenced by his Buddhist studies at Harvard, he is skilled in martial arts and has written three books, according to the www.familyfed.org, the church's Web site.

Moon has also "polarized people" by poaching baby leopard sharks, controlling the American sushi industry, and proclaiming himself the King of America in lavish DC ceremonies attended by various former presidents and current members of congress.