Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan, is a towering genius of finance, Obama hanger-on, savior of Wall Street, and irritable dick. He's also long liked to wear tight jeans, as his 1974 yearbook page makes clear.

This is Dimon's 1974 yearbook senior page from the Browning School, the upper-east-side private academy he attended. We first learned about the yearbook in Duff McDonald's biography Last Man Standing, and knew that we needed to see the whole thing for ourselves. We put out some calls to find the rest of it and got a friendly source to scan in Dimon's whole page from the Grytte.

Sadly, Dimon didn't share Neel Kashkari's high-school obsession with sports cars. But he did clearly fit in with the waning hippie look of the mid-1970s.

Dimon's still got a reputation as something of a poor dresser. Here's how Last Man Standing biography describes his sartorial acumen:

He also eschewed the traditional uniform of the B-school student-khakis and button-down shirts-and wore jeans and often a blue leather jacket. His classmates actually remember that of the 75 students in their year, Dimon was the absolute worst dresser.


His casual weekend wear was black jeans and a black t-shirt. "Jamie was dressed like Johnny Cash," laughs one executive. "I guess he thought he looked cool. But he didn't."

And here's what Andrew Ross Sorkin's new bailout book has to say about his jeans preferences:

A fed staffer announced to all the CEOs that Paulson, Geithner, and Cox would soon be coming downstairs. When Jamie Dimon, dressed in tight blue jeans, black loafers, and a shirt showing off his muscles, wandered into the room, Colm Kellcher whispered to John Mack, "He's in pretty good shape for his age."

You'd think someone who made $30 million in 2007 would be able to afford to pay someone to dress him better. Here are some close-ups of the good pictures.

The educational mission at Browning's is to turn out "Browning gentlemen," and Dimon sure looks like a gentleman, doesn't he? Right down to the ruffled jeans-and-tie bit and the long-haired Himalayan searcher pose.

Dimon chose to adorn this photo the Hamlet motto, "This above all: To thine own self be true," rounding out the nonconformist-outsider theme of the page. We wonder if he once shared former Bear Stearns chief Jimmy Cayne's penchant for pot—which would be funny, seeing as how Dimon earned his reputation as Wall Street's last man standing after he bought Bear Stearns at a measly $2-per-share, averting a financial catastrophe.

He's thankfully trimmed his hair down to a more manageable—and less androgynous—length.