TMZ Far Too Modest to Run Sex Tape

Protector of feminine virtue TMZ says it's had a homemade sex tape starring attractive but not smart beauty pageant loser Carrie Prejean for months. But TMZ's own sense of decency simply wouldn't allow it to be published.
TMZ just kind of drops this offhandedly in a post about Prejean being shown the tape by a rival lawyer:
The video the lawyer showed Carrie is extremely graphic and has never been released publicly. We know that, because TMZ obtained the video months ago but decided not to post it because it was so racy.
We like to picture a big, menacing team of hatchet-wielding attorneys standing over Harvey Levin's head as we read this. Anyhow, kudos to TMZ on its newfound virtue. If they don't want the tape, I reckon we'd take it.
[Pic: Getty]