The Week We Were All Glenn Beck's Appendix

This week was all about gun violence and terrible elections and Jay Leno.
- Nouriel Roubini likes to rock the party.
- JFK blown away, what else did Mad Men have to say about how crazy it was that things were different in the early '60s?
- We endorsed not voting for Mike Bloomberg and, to be fair, a majority of New Yorkers took our advice, one way or another.
- Jay Leno maybe wants to go back to late night. No one knew that Tucker Max had a movie out, besides Hamilton.
- Old people at a newspaper were punching each other. It was kinda awesome. Then someone from Yelp tried to punch someone else from Yelp, and it was not as awesome.
- Sarah Palin really wanted to give a terrible speech full of "gonnas" and stuff, on election day, last year.
- Google stole maps! And they know everything about you!
- Gossip Girl and The City are shows about girls who gossip and live in the city.
- Oh no, some newspaper reporters missed out on the heartwarming story of a baseball team buying themselves a special prize.
- Dead clubs: still dead.
- Hey, an attempt to put the civil rights of a minority group to a popular vote failed, this week. Crazy.
- Whoops, we forgot to ask permission before reprinting emails between journalists and Eliot Spitzer's press office.
- Tom Cruise can control things with his mind. His mind and his arms and hands and legs and stuff. But mostly his mind.
- Are you exploiting your child enough? Or is a child exploiting you?
- Project Runway continues to suffer from boring challenges, terrible and inconsistent judging, and impossibly bland contestants. On the plus side: those ads for that movie with Ashton Kutcher and Catwoman.
- Levi Johnston is worried that his penis—which he plans on displaying in a pretend internet magazine—is not large enough to be presented in a pretend internet magazine.
- Swine flu attacked an adorable kitty cat! And also Rudy Giuliani gave it to a ferret.
- Spanx: still a thing.
- Top Chef had Fabio on it, yay!
- Oliver Zahm: he is French and he takes pictures of naked ladies and he goes to parties.
- Michele Bachmann attempted to lead a band of insurrectionists to take over the Capitol, where she is an elected legislator.
- Let's paint, exercise, and ride a private jet with a Silicon Valley performance artist/charlatan.
- Have you caught "Tardy For the Party" fever???
- Nidal Hasan, a military psychologist, shot dozens of people at an Army base, before a hero cop (a civilian and a woman) shot him. The shooter reportedly fulfilled all of the right-wing's demented deathporn fantasies.
- Glenn Beck's appendix attempted to burst from his stomach and free itself from his toxic body, but doctors kept the famous crazy person alive. Some people asked some questions about all of this!