
Hamilton Nolan · 08/16/16 03:09PM

Stern but lovable news show host John McLaughlin has died at the age of 89. He hosted his iconic, low-fi political talk show for 34 years. Now he is presiding over Pat Buchanan- Eleanor Clift shoutfests in heaven. “Bye BYE,” John.

If You Have Ever Smoked, Just Give Up

Hamilton Nolan · 06/20/16 08:20AM

Are you now or have you ever been a smoker of the dreaded “tobacky?” Perhaps you gave up the habit long ago, for your health? No matter—you are doomed.

What Was That xoJane Writer Who Called Her Friend’s Death a “Blessing” Thinking?

Rich Juzwiak · 05/20/16 04:10PM

Amanda Lauren’s tagline on her website reads “I write things that become a thing,” and boy does she! This week two pieces of hers received an influx of attention and response—a Your Tango essay called “Staying Hot For My Husband Is ESSENTIAL To A Successful Marriage” and a now-deleted xoJane essay titled “My Former Friend’s Death Was a Blessing.” In the latter, our focus here, Lauren expressed relief over the death of her estranged former friend, whom she had seemed to decide was a lost cause by looking at said friend’s Facebook page. My first impression was, “What was she thinking?” So I called her up.

How to Kill a Three-Year-Old in NYC Without Getting Arrested

Andy Cush · 05/17/16 03:20PM

Mariam Dansoko, a three-year-old girl, was crossing the street near Yankee Stadium with her mother yesterday when she noticed an approaching car. “Mommy, the car is coming,” she said. By the time her mother turned around, the driver of the oncoming Nissan Altima struck Mariam, giving her injuries that later killed her. The driver was not arrested at the scene and will likely not be charged with a crime.

"I'll Celebrate the Day I Die"

Alex Pareene · 04/22/16 12:30PM

In 1998, Prince called up Mel B out of the blue, and asked if she’d like to interview him, at his house. She, of course, accepted the invitation. “This is the best interview I’ve ever had,” Prince said afterward. Here, he gives his thoughts on mortality, and makes it clear that he would have wanted you to be partying right now.

Garry Shandling, Comedy Genius, Is Dead

Alex Pareene · 03/24/16 05:27PM

Actor and comedian Garry Shandling died Thursday in Los Angeles. Shandling, 66, was among the most influential figures in modern American comedy and television, thanks to two brilliant shows he co-created and starred in in the 1980s and 1990s.

Nobody Seems to Know How Exactly Antonin Scalia Ended Up Dead Underneath a Pillow

J.K. Trotter · 02/15/16 11:20AM

On the morning of February 13, the owner of Cibolo Creek Ranch, in the west Texas town of Shafter, discovered the cold body of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia in one of the ranch’s hotel rooms. The owner, John Poindexter, later told the San Antonio Express-News, “We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head. His bed clothes were unwrinkled. He was lying very restfully. It looked like he had not quite awakened from a nap.”

By Dying, Antonin Scalia Saves Public Sector Unions 

Hamilton Nolan · 02/15/16 09:25AM

Even if President Obama cannot get a new Supreme Court justice confirmed before he leaves office, Antonin Scalia may have singlehandedly saved America’s public sector unions by dying when he did.

You Will Not Die in a Mass Shooting

Hamilton Nolan · 12/04/15 09:09AM

Some very visible bad things have happened. Dozens of people have been shot. Some people are very afraid. They don’t need to be.

Selfies Are Deadlier Than Sharks 

Sophie Saint Thomas · 09/22/15 11:00PM

Bad news for the narcissistic. Not only are we embarrassing ourselves with our selfies, but we appear to be killing ourselves as well. So far this year, there have been 12 reported deaths while attempting to take a selfie, compared to only eight from shark attacks, UPROXX reports.

What Do You Do At Night?

Jordan Sargent · 08/06/15 11:45AM

When you return home from work, mentally exhausted despite having done mostly nothing all day, what do you do?

What Happened to Sandra Bland, a Black Woman Who Died in Jail Monday?

Andy Cush · 07/16/15 03:09PM

On Friday, Sandra Bland was arrested in Prairie View, Tx., following a routine traffic stop for failure to signal a lane change. Three days later, she was dead in her cell at Waller County Jail. Suicide by hanging is the official cause of death, but Bland’s family believes it was something much more sinister.

It's Now Even More Likely That You'll Die at the Hand of Nonaspirins 

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/14/15 09:55AM

I bet you thought there was only a slight chance you’d die from taking nonaspirin pain relievers like Advil, Aleve, Ibuprofen, Motrin and the like. Nope! Researchers are now saying they’re actually much more likely to kill you than they originally thought. How likely? The technical answer, I guess, is “it depends.”