Sex, Drugs, FBI Failures and a Grandmother in a Headlock
Oops. All the papers report that the FBI failed to act when the Fort Hood shooter emailed a radical cleric 10 or 20 times. Also: swine flu blood shortages! Living on severance! Drug wars! Madoff memorabilia! J-Lo sex tape!
It's big front page news for everyone, except the Wall Street Journal, that the feds didn't catch Nidal Hasan despite clear indications he was becoming more radical. This coverage will doubtless guarantee an incredibly dull, toothless committee in Washington to issue a 1,000 page report on the intelligence failures that reveals nothing. The papers also update the story by stealth, as part of the FBI piece: Hasan is awake but refuses to talk, and will probably face military, not civilian, court. The Washington Post has an exclusive addition to the tale, which it runs above the fold: Hasan warned senior officers, in a presentation the Post obtained, that Muslim soldiers should be allowed to step down as conscientious objectors. The New York Times has a feature on the death and trauma that surround Fort Hood, even when psychiatrists are not going on killing sprees. Alongside the developments in Texas, every broadsheet also runs a picture from the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and a couple of sexier stories for balance.
Disclosure: I freelance write and report for newspapers that are included in this roundup. Where there is a direct conflict of interest I will make it clear.

The New York Times: has a very straight report (in contrast with the outrage elsewhere) that the FBI knew Hasan was in contact with radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki. It runs alongside an in-depth feature on the death that surrounds Fort Hood - which provides the main A1 picture. They update the story on the resignation of Mahmoud Abbas, which doesn't get front page coverage anywhere else today. Banks are still bastards who look after their own interests first, the battle for gay rights in New York and the shaky math around healthcare spending.

The Washington Post: have been leading the field in exclusives on the Fort Hood shootings. In the days following they had interviews others did not, and now they've dug up a document that shows Hasan wanted out. They run the news that the FBI knew of his radicalization below that. They also have the first interview with the upstate NY Republican who became the target for Palin and the rest of the nutjobs in the recent election. There's a second part to yesterday's feature on the execution of the DC sniper and a look at a section of North Carolina that has 15 per cent unemployment.

The LA Times: opens with the Fort Hood news, and updates the story on how abortion affects the healthcare debate. But they have original pieces about the battle between local authorities and those who want to take advantage of recently loosened medical marijuana enforcement and focuses on more drugs in a tale of increased involvement by women in Mexican gangs. The feature is about the melting of Mount Kenya, and there's an intriguing plug for a story about how burglars are using a celebrity addresses website to scope out potential victims.

The Wall Street Journal: doesn't go big with the Hasan story, preferring to focus on the Dow's rally and a sale of Bernie Madoff's belongings, including personalized Mets jacket. You have to know your audience, I suppose. Talking of which, there's a story about the process of gradually running down severance money and fisherman in the Hamptons. There's also a very good look at how Swine Flu might affect blood supplies. I even like the graphic.

The New York Post: should have better headlines. The Sun, its English counterpart, is renowned for fantastic puns. When Kim Jong-Il tested a nuclear warhead they went with 'How Do You Solve A Problem Like Korea', for example. To be fair to the Post the Hasan story is not all that pun-friendly, being about death and all, but still, there is definitely something pun-tastic to be had in the J-Lo sex tape revelation.

The Daily News: focuses on the fact that the Army promoted Major Hasan even after it was made clear he had contacted a radical cleric.

The Tampa Bay Times: you have to ask yourself what the North-East liberal media elite is doing ignoring this story about a punchup at a wedding. A grandmother got put in a headlock! "Things were happening and I was confused," she said. "I don't know what really set it off." This sums up my life.

The Herald Sun (Australia): as winter sets in here Australia is preparing for a heatwave that could start more bushfires. And Tiger Woods is there! Save Tiger Woods first!