
This Veterans Day Weekend, It'll Be Tough To Beat One Newspaper's Front Page Tribute

Barry Petchesky · 11/10/12 06:30PM

What looks like a solid block of gray on the front page of the Hamilton Spectator resolves, when enlarged, into thousands and thousands of names of the war dead. Tomorrow is Remembrance Day in Commonwealth nations, and Veterans Day here in the U.S., and each commemorates the end of World War I and more generally all those who served. I'd hope for something similarly powerful from an American paper tomorrow, but I'm not sure any have the space.

New York Times Paterson Story is Completely Uncontroversial

Ravi Somaiya · 02/17/10 08:43AM

The New York Times story on David Paterson does not contain any scandal — it's hard to see how the rumors even started. Meanwhile there are nine new ways in which politics in DC is broken, and reports from Pakistan.

Everyone Says Bye Bayh

Ravi Somaiya · 02/16/10 08:35AM

Indiana senator Evan Bayh stepping down is variously a catastrophe, a threat and a protest. There's also news from Afghanistan and Pakistan, and yet another debate about weight in fashion week.

Google Will Take Over the World

Ravi Somaiya · 02/11/10 08:46AM

Except for the snow, which rules all. Even the Google, whose attempts to become an internet service provider make most of the front pages, cannot stop the mighty white stuff.

Snow Gets Everywhere Except the Front Pages

Ravi Somaiya · 02/10/10 08:41AM

The snow fell too late for the New York papers to lead with the weather (the Washington Post is still thick with the stuff). Instead international news from hot places like Greece, Pakistan and Iran dominates.

Obama to Take GOP On in Televised Healthcare Summit

Ravi Somaiya · 02/08/10 08:11AM

Some Ultrabowl or Megabowl event dominates, but there's also the intriguing news that Obama will debate the GOP in a televised healthcare summit. Along with the usual reports of explosions, executions and road safety in Afghanistan.

Market Turmoil Leads to Red and Black Graphs

Ravi Somaiya · 02/05/10 08:29AM

Everyone loves a markets-crashing story — today's comes complete with scary graphs and alarmist back-of-envelope calculations. It's also a bad day to be Toyota, a brown pelican or a Baptist missionary in Haiti.

Brain Scan Can See Thoughts of Vegetative Patients

Ravi Somaiya · 02/04/10 08:20AM

The endlessly fascinating science of communicating with those in a persistent vegetative state dominates the front pages today. Doctors have managed to see into some their minds while asking them to think about tennis. (Really.)

Does Anyone Have $3.8tn We Can Borrow?

Ravi Somaiya · 02/02/10 08:25AM

The budget dominates the front pages — the WSJ don't like the tax rises for the wealthy, everyone else analyzes the deficit. There are great stories from Afghanistan and Pakistan, and some surprising news about the joys of abstinence.

Ben Bernanke, Cover Star

Ravi Somaiya · 01/29/10 08:57AM

The Fed chairman's confirmation dominates the front pages, as do Obama's 98 other problems. And the Daily News and the New York Post go all copycat on their headline.

State of the Union Beats the iPad Again

Ravi Somaiya · 01/28/10 08:10AM

The speech from DC dominates the speech from SF, and the White House must be pretty happy with the headlines — the messages that Obama wants to restart and concentrate on jobs come through loud and clear.

Obama's Mea Culpas, Missteps and Future Failures

Ravi Somaiya · 01/21/10 08:25AM

The fallout from yesterday's shock Republican victory in Massachusetts dominates once more. Did you miss those dry, congressional infighting stories of a couple of weeks ago? Fear not! They're back.

What's Black, and White and Brown All Over?

Ravi Somaiya · 01/20/10 08:34AM

No one mentions the minor Republican victory in traditionally-Democrat Massachusetts, or reads too much into it. Ha! In opposite world! You can't move for Senator Scott Brown's smug face on the front pages today.

The Battle for Ted Kennedy's Senate Seat

Ravi Somaiya · 01/19/10 08:37AM

Just when you think there can be no more analysis of healthcare reforms, an unexpectedly close Senate election comes up in Massachusetts and off we go again. Haiti and yesterday's attack in Kabul also dominate.